Board of Directors

Niall McCarthy
Director and Chair

Niall is the CEO of Planet Crust, the founder and maintainer of the Corteza project. With broad commercial experience of many mainstream open-source technologies, he is a passionate believer in the power of free and open source software distribution models.

Mia Arh

Mia is the Vice President of Services at Planet Crust, the founder and maintainer of the Corteza project. With a passion for product management and UI/UX prototyping of web applications, she enjoys listening to users, identifying their pain and needs and responding accordingly.

Elizabeth Flanagan

Beth ‘pidge’ Flanagan is the CTO/Co-founder of Togán Labs, an embedded services and operating systems provider in Ireland. She is an open source developer focusing on embedded device enablement, IoT ecosystems and open source compliance.

Alexander Hanff

Alexander is the managing director at Hanff & Co AB and one of the most recognized faces globally when it comes to digital privacy and data ethics. He is ranked by Politico as one of the most influential people in the world on the development of privacy and data protection law.

Amanda Brock

Digital Leader, CEO of OpenUK and Board Member. Regular speaker and author on technology, open source, collaboration and sustainability, with deep expertise in open technology, particularly open source software and data.

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