
A solution stack for a sustainable future.

By empowering people and organizations anywhere in the world to control and share their data and the applications they build with it without giving up their digital freedom, Corteza aims to increase humankind’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to the varied challenges the world faces and, in so doing, give the world a platform to overcome these challenges and work itself towards a sustainable future.

Corteza is a 100% open-source, fully standardized low-code app development, business process, integration and data harmonization platform.

Corteza’s backend is built in Golang, the multi-threaded computing language developed by Google to build and manage its application infrastructure. Its front end is written in Vue.js, a lightweight JavaScript framework. Corteza uses W3C standards and formats wherever possible and all Corteza components are accessible via RestAPI. Corteza is cloud-native and deploys via Docker containers.

Corteza is licensed under an Apache 2.0 license and is, and always will be, freely available to all.

Corteza was conceived and created by Planet Crust, which continues to maintain and develop Corteza and is Corteza’s primary contributor.

Aire is an AI-powered no-code builder that makes building apps on Corteza faster and easier than ever.

Latest Releases

Many providers claim to offer free CRM software. This is because is makes their offering seem more attractive. Unfortunately, there’s usually a catch. Is Hubspot free? Not if you want the really useful features. Otherwise it’s just a basic CRM. Is SugarCRM free? Not at all nowadays. Is Salesforce free? Not a chance. And let’s […]

More than ever, organisations need to deliver a customer-focused approach. This is because markets are evolving at a staggering rate and will continue to do so well into the future. The health pandemic changes working practices and locations The economic crisis obliges organisations to be more competitive or attentive to their audiences The squeeze in […]

Hubspot provides software products for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service. With regard to the CRM functionality, Hubspot gives details on their website the the core is free, and you have to pay for advanced CRM features. However, we sometimes forget that when we speak about “free”. We’re more often than not speaking in terms […]