Over the coming months, the Corteza project will be launching its Ecological Programme, an initiative which orients the Digital Work Platform for Humanity towards what is perhaps the most pressing social and political issue of our time. There’s still some work to be done formulating a more detailed purpose and scope to our work, but once that’s complete, it will be full steam ahead.

Of course, at this point in history we’re in a crowded marketplace with giant cloud vendors pumping their corporate sustainability messages hard. That’s a challenge in itself, but I feel the bigger challenge is in focusing people on where the most gains are to be made. This involves having a good hard look at the platforms your organisation uses for going about its daily business. Read more

The Public Sector Case for Corteza – Secure Private Cloud Record-Keeping and Engagement

Before Corteza came along, have government and public sector IT departments ever had 100% independent Digital Work Platforms upon which they could operate? I don’t know the answer to this question, but if deployed examples are a fair measure, then the answer is that little if any choice previously existed. Backed by the Commons Conservancy Foundation and with a truly modern feature set and architecture, Corteza is one such private cloud solution.

The public sector case for implementing Corteza is clear: Read more