Many providers claim to offer free CRM software. This is because is makes their offering seem more attractive. Unfortunately, there’s usually a catch. Is Hubspot free? Not if you want the really useful features. Otherwise it’s just a basic CRM. Is SugarCRM free? Not at all nowadays. Is Salesforce free? Not a chance. And let’s not bother exploring Microsoft Dynamics as a free company CRM.

Corteza CRM Suite is the world’s premium free CRM software

The term “Free CRMs” needs careful definition. It’s not all just about cost, because there are three factors which define its freedom: Read more

According to Wikipedia, “Technological Sovereignty” is a political outlook that information and communications infrastructure and technology are aligned to the laws, needs and interests of the country in which users are located.

As the Digital Work Platform for Humanity, the concept of technological sovereignty is baked into Corteza. However, technological sovereignty on its own is not sufficient for a modern economy. Corteza implements at least three other key ingredients: Read more